Partnerschaftsverein Rheinland-Pfalz/ Ruanda e.V. // Partnership Association Rhineland-Palatinate/ Rwanda

Soon after the beginning of the partnership activities in 1982, it turned out that a further aid was necessary for the smooth and efficient implementation of the many partnership projects. The forwarding of the aid funds to Rwanda, the distribution of the aid goods from Rhineland-Palatinate, the assessment of the projects on site, the examination of cost estimates and accounts could not be carried out in the long run without direct representation on-site. As the state of Rhineland-Palatinate could not become active on the ground itself, the association Partnerschaft Rheinland-Pfalz-Ruanda e.V. was founded on 11 March 1983. Representatives of the political parties in the state parliament, the state government and ministries, the municipalities, the schools, the churches, the chamber of crafts, the chamber of industry and commerce and the local partnership associations belong to this association. Its tasks include providing support for the partnership, which cannot be provided by the regional government itself. This includes the disbursement of financial aid in Rwanda, the monitoring of project planning, project implementation, project accounting and the application for subsidies from state funds. Here you will also find the statutes of our association (in German).

The association is responsible for the coordination office in Kigali. The coordination office is the contact and cooperation point for the Rwandan side and is available to the Rhineland-Palatinate partners for help and information. It takes care of the entire project management and resource management on site and ensures a regular flow of information between Rwanda and Rhineland-Palatinate.

The office in Mainz

The office of the partnership association is the point of contact for the partners in Rhineland-Palatinate and tries to network the active members among each other and to advise them on the content of their work. It helps with travel planning, project design, provides assistance in planning school trips, organises themed trips to Rwanda and supports applications for federal funding such as ENSA.


Verein Partnerschaft Rheinland-Pfalz / Ruanda

Fuststraße 4
55116 - Mainz

click here for the map


Layla Engeln
Geschaftsführerin (Elternzeitvertretung)

Tel.: 06131/16-3356
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Jutta Bihl

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Norbert Neuser
President of the Partnership Association

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Christina Berthold
Director on parental leave

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Tom Janka
Freiwilligendienste, Öffentlichkeitsarbeit und Assistenz der Geschäftsführung

Tel.: 06131/16-3355
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Hertha Kasteleiner

Tel.: 06131/16-3473
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Keanu Krusius
Volunteer "FSJ-Kultur"

Tel.: 06131/16-3928
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